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Streamer Tries to Break Sleepless World Record, Loses Ability to Read
Pretty much every part of this is a bad idea. A streamer named “Norme” decided that he was going to break the world record for going without sleep. There are a few problems with this: First, the world record was 11 days and 24 minutes (or so he thought — the true record is actually 18 days and 21 hours); second, Guinness doesn’t accept attempts for this record because it causes people to do dumb things; and finally, everyone who has gone this long without sleep has reported consequences lasting decades, including lifelong insomnia.Regardless, Norme attempted it, live-streaming the whole thing on YouTube before being kicked off and moving to Kick and then Rumble. Throughout the stream, he experienced hallucinations, almost fell asleep many times, and even appeared to lose the ability to read properly. He eventually completed his goal, but I can’t imagine he felt too great about it — if he felt anything at all by that point.