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We are re-launching a new newspaper and classifieds in Springfield that has not been active since 1975. We need partners and funding for the new launch. We have a printing company ready and more than enough content to publish Any interested parties call us at 1-877-990-9397 or use the contact section of the Springfield Daily News. Springfield Daily news has not been active since 1975 until now. www.Springfielddailynews.com
We are re-launching a new newspaper and classifieds in Springfield that has not been active since 1975. We need partners and funding for the new launch. We have a printing company ready and more than enough content to publish Any interested parties call us at 1-877-990-9397 or use the contact section of the Springfield Daily News. Springfield Daily news has not been active since 1975 until now. www.Springfielddailynews.com